Kia Ora Koutou!! Welcome to the most humble blog in the whole wide world. A2s classroom blog called A2humbleone is on a mission to refresh our page and spice it up with all the awesome work they have been busy with during term three. So it will be a very busy 'space' for the kids and a great way to find out what's going on in our class!
Nana thought
Nana thought the eye ball soup was fruit saland.
Nana thought the rat tails were spaghetti
Nana thought the fat toes with toe nails were big fat big legs.
Nana thought the slime and snot drink was lime fizzy drink.
Nana thought the Mikaere bood drink was raspberry jucie
Nana thought the dead mans bum were doughnuts
Nana thought the dead mans juicy fingers were sausages
Nana thought the the rotten bread were burnt toast
Nana thought the poo were raisins
Nana thought the smelly cheese was blue cheese
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Fishing in Whakatane on PhotoPeach
Fishing in Whakatane on PhotoPeach
In the holidays me and my dad went to my uncles house in Whakatane to go fishing. We got there at nearly 10:45 pm!, When we arrived there I went straight to bed and my dad stayed up talking to my uncle. The next day I woke up my dad saying "DAD! ITS TIME TO GO FFFIIISSHHIINNGG!". He got up straight away, We packed our rods and drove off to a place called Ohiwa. We also took my uncle and my Cousins friend, When we got to Ohiwa we unpacked the car and carried all our things onto the jeti. We all untangled our lines and casted our lines out. We all felt a tug but we caught NO FISH!. We saw another man catch a huge COD fish about 50 inches long and 67 POUNDS!!!