Tidy Kiwi Award

Tidy Kiwi Award
Well done A2 keeping our class clean!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Disgusting meal By Mikaere

I went to my freands house.But there was one thing he was making it.He put the meal infront of me,plus a rasbberry drink.I took bit by bit and at the same time taking a sip,and the meal was hot hot hot!!! In fact it was so hot it bearnt my toghnge.By mikaere.My recepe is fried wormes hot chilli souce and vegetables plus old learke about plasters all yoused up on scabbes.Wich will you eat wormes

1 comment:

  1. Great effort Mikaere. Keep trying hard with your writing to make it descriptive. Mrs Macfarlane


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